=> Any questions about the Dev Tools App can contact my gmail trinea.cn@gmail.com


一. 经历

坐标杭州,微信公众号:codeKK,分享 Android 等技术、职业发展相关文章。创建开源社区:codeKK


如果你是 Android 开发者,可以去玩一下 Android 开发助手,可以大幅提高开发效率,去重国外用户已接近 2,000,000。 可到 Google Play应用宝等商店里搜索“开发助手”或本地下载,或添加微信 TimeMeasurer 咨询;

二. 记录

写博客十几年了,这个独立域名的博客 2013 年开始使用,主要记录:
(1) AndroidJava性能调优开源项目相关经验分享,新技术调研;
(2) 日常总结、读书笔记。
(3) 内推:滴滴内推 30w-180w阿里内推 25w-180w
2013 年之前的技术总结可见 Trinea@ITeyeTrinea@cnblogs

邮箱:trinea.cn@gmail.com,需要工作内推可以发送到 trinea.cn+job@gmail.com,方便我自动分类。




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120 thoughts on “

  1. Hello, I am an App Developer. I am considering buying the pro version of your Dev Tool, but I have a question first. Can you view website links and html code from a App that’s on google play store? and also can you view this from an aab and apk files because google play developer console uses AAB file now.

    I would like to see what websites an app uses.