
滴滴出行 2023 年北京杭州大量职位招聘,无限前景和有竞争力的待遇

滴滴 2023 年大量职位内推,欢迎大量同学加入。具体如下:


除了 Android 外,iOS/后端/前端/算法/大数据/数分/数仓/硬件/测试/产品/运营/市场/技师/供应链等等也大量招聘,欢迎推荐身边朋友


网约车 /国际化 /小桔能源 /两轮车 /专车 /快车 /金融 /大数据 /地图 /货运 /智能驾驶 /代驾等。


① 一二线大厂中有竞争力的待遇和汇报
② 六险一金,父母及子女的商业保险
③ 全员 Mac,免费下午茶、免费晚餐
④ 有孩子或者怀孕的女性员工有每周一天的在家办公机会




欢迎微信联系我(trinea 点击扫码)内推,或直接邮件 trinea.cn@gmail.com 给我职位链接和简历。

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100 thoughts on “滴滴出行 2023 年北京杭州大量职位招聘,无限前景和有竞争力的待遇

  1. My name is kate, my soon to be ex husband , Earl Dean Walker bday 1/30/77 is unlawfully using my email. I am not ok with it. He is going to jail when I figure all of this out. I do not, have not , will not allow him on my accounts. He did make a major mistake this time. Someone didn’t cover his ads and I received a bank notice when he drained my personal account for a dating site he used my name for along with my bank account and his email and his face. Now I’m letting you know, I have never been to this site or any other. He is using my name. I’m turning it into a cyber crime specialist due to the fact that it has been going on for years and every time I ask he busts my face of body up. Last night he broke my arm. So please . Don’t help him anymore. It’s not me, I don’t even know what you are or why I am not being takin seriously. My phone number is 4805460408. I need help.